An apartment complex with green space is more attractive and memorable than one that doesn’t have such amenities. Despite this, not many managers add lawns to their rentals due to the expensive and time-consuming maintenance of natural grass. Fortunately, artificial turf in Kansas City offers the perfect solution for landlords looking to green up their spaces without upping their property management tasks.
Advantages of Synthetic Turf for Rental Properties
Improving the appearance of apartments isn’t the only way landlords can benefit from artificial grass. The versatile greens also bring these amazing advantages to rental spaces:
1. It increases the value of the rental property.
Synthetic grass in Kansas City never fails to make any place it’s installed on more inviting. Maximize its aesthetic-boosting potential by applying to your apartment’s common areas and amenities. Use synthetic turf to spruce up your playgrounds, pet spaces and swimming pools. You can even use it to create a great putting green. All these can elevate your rental property’s overall value.
2. It attracts tenants.
Grass-covered areas is an excellent way to attract new renters and retain existing ones. With their lush surface and verdant hue, they are great places for relaxation, especially if the apartment is in an urban jungle.
Synthetic grass looks and feels like the real thing, so much so that most people can’t tell it’s artificial. The only thing that’ll give away its synthetic nature is its incredible durability and weather resistance.
Unlike its living counterpart, artificial turf can withstand high foot traffic, constant use, rain, high heat, snow and ice without getting damaged. Give your tenants a durable, little piece of nature with an artificial turf installation.
3. It offers a pet-friendly surface.
Roughly 67% of U.S. households own a pet, the majority of which are dogs. If your apartment is pet-friendly, consider adding grass-covered spaces to your amenities to attract tenants with pets. Don’t worry; artificial turf in Kansas City is tough enough to withstand canine activity like running and digging. Even the most determined dogs can’t punch holes into its surface.
Lingering pet waste residues and odors are also not a problem provided that your synthetic grass is professionally installed. Turf experts can integrate a deodorizing infill into your installation to take care of odors.
4. It reduces your water consumption.
A synthetic grass lawn does not need water to thrive, which means it won’t contribute much to your overall water bill. Cleanup is the only time you’ll need water during its maintenance. To keep it clear of dirt, dust and other small debris, you’ll need to rinse its surface from time to time. Don’t worry about creating puddles as synthetic turf installations come with proprietary drainage.
5. It’s suitable for almost any surface.
Since artificial grass doesn’t need water, soil and sunlight to grow, you can install it on just about any surface. There’s no need to limit its installation to front lawns and backyard gardens. Feel free to use it on your rooftops, balconies, patios, floors and walls.
6. It is a low-maintenance amenity.
Unlike real grass, synthetic grass does not need mowing, watering, fertilizer and pesticide application, and weed control. Once installed, all you need to do is rinse and brush it up once in a while. Then, make sure to keep its surface clean.
Transform Your Rental Spaces with Artificial Greens
Invest in top-quality Kansas City, MO artificial grass to reap all these fantastic benefits and more. Let Kansas City Artificial Grass handle your project for a hassle-free installation. Call us now at 866-309-8873 to find out how we can turn your synthetic turf ideas into a reality!